Penname: Nephedra [Contact] Real name: Nephedra
Member Since: 05/19/2007
Membership status: Member
I have been a fan of BOTP since I was a kid who would run off the bus everyday to get her afternoon fix. I loved the mecha (though I didn't know that word back then!), the battle scenes, the weapons, etc. But the thing that kept me coming back for more was the relationships. No other show on was like this.

I have started to write down all those stories that have piled up in my head for years. I hope to be sharing more of them here soon. I am always looking for feedback. How can I improve with out feedback? :D

I will beta read if I have time. I look for grammar and such, but also plot holes or things I think just don't make sense (or at least not to me). My knowledge base is mostly BOTP, but I will beta Gatch as well.
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Stories by Nephedra [3] Reviews by Nephedra [84] Series by Nephedra [0] Challenges by Nephedra [0] Fanart by Nephedra Favorite Stories [3] Favorite Series [0] Nephedra's Favorites [3]
Stories by Nephedra
Summary: The story begins immediately after Col. Cronus takes off to fix the Van Allen belt and the immediate aftermath, especially the impact on Mark.
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Chief Anderson, Colonel Cronus, Jason, Keyop, Mark, Princess
Genre: Angst, Drama
Story Warnings: Mild Language
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Tenuously Canon
Word count: 6596 - Read Count: 3406 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 11/08/2008 - Published: 11/08/2008
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- New Toys by Nephedra - Rated: 13+ - - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 5]
Table of Contents
Summary: Everyone likes to get presents. The team is no different. Set in the BOTP universe in a time before the team was on active duty. Written for the Goat's Tail Challenge.
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Chief Anderson, Jason, Keyop, Mark, Princess, Tiny Harper
Genre: Vignette
Story Warnings: None
Timeframe: Prequel
Universe: Tenuously Canon
Challenges: The Goat's Tail Challenge
Word count: 863 - Read Count: 3087 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 09/20/2008 - Published: 09/19/2008
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- Trial by Fire by Nephedra - Rated: 13+ - - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 3]
Table of Contents
Summary: The team attends the Academy, before their first mission.
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 2 - Table of Contents
Characters: Chief Anderson, Jason, Keyop, Mark, Princess, Tiny Harper
Genre: Action/Adventure
Story Warnings: Mild Language
Timeframe: Prequel
Universe: Tenuously Canon
Word count: 4992 - Read Count: 7370 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 05/19/2007 - Published: 05/19/2007
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