Summary: This is Oniishi's story ... why he has such hatred for Galactor and how he came to be one of the members of the Red Impulse squad.
Rated: 18+
Categories: Gatchaman
Characters: Berg Katse, Devil Star/Galaxy Girl, Dr. Kozaburou Nambu, Joe Asakura, Original Character, Other Canon Character
Genre: Angst, Character Study, Drama, Tragedy
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Death, Mature Content, Mild Adult Situations, Mild Language, Mild Sexual References, Mild Violence, Sexual Situations, Strong Language, Suicide, Torture, Violence
Timeframe: Prequel
Universe: Tenuously Canon
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4
Completed: Yes
Word count: 32702
Read: 18020
Published: 05/08/2012
Updated: 05/08/2012
1. Chapter 1--What curiosity did by RIgirl [Reviews - 1] (7272 words)
2. Chapter 2 -- Into the fire by RIgirl [Reviews - 0] (7935 words)
3. Chapter 3 -- Turning points by RIgirl [Reviews - 0] (4894 words)
4. Chapter 4 -- A personal favor by RIgirl [Reviews - 1] (12601 words)