Reviews For A Place on the Team
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Reviewer: Kamen Rider Skyrider Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/13/2012 1:57 PM Title: Chapter 1

Excellent story and I want to inform you that the story has given me an inspiration of how to dispose of Zark in my story "Cracking of the Eggs." with Jasons spirit Ultraman

Author's Response: I'm glad it could inspire you! And anything that gets rid of Zark is worth reading! ;-)

Reviewer: rebe Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/02/2011 2:33 AM Title: Chapter 1

esta historia es buenisisima me tubo muy interesado de principio a fin y sobre todo el desquite de jason en complicidad con robert 1 fue genial gracias por otra lectura facinante

Author's Response: I am glad you enjoyed it! It is always fun to wtire about Zark. ;-)

Reviewer: kittenmommy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/01/2011 10:48 PM Title: Epilogue

O. M. G.

 I am speechless!  This was terrific!

 I love how you integrated Jason's "illness" into all this.  I'm just... wow! :D 

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it! This started out as my response to a challenge... to write from the POV of a character you hate. I started out trying to be sympathetic. Really, I was! But then the most evil idea came into my head... well, you see the result. *grin*

Reviewer: kittenmommy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/01/2011 9:37 PM Title: Chapter 3

That Susan is seriously mis-aligned. I don’t know what her programmers were thinking, but she seems better suited to be a telephone-sex operator than work for interplanetary security. LOL FOREVER. :D 

Reviewer: kittenmommy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/01/2011 9:28 PM Title: Chapter 1

LOL!  Great little ficlet! And now I'm wondering about the flashing lights on the Spectra ships, and why Zark finds them so mesmerizing... 

Reviewer: Clouddancer Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2011 7:43 PM Title: Epilogue

This was a great story! I was laughing throughout.  Especially at the thought that Jason listens to Celin Dion when he is alone. 

The ending is great and gives Zark the fitting end he deserves.

Author's Response: Well, I suspect that most of us have wanted to see Zark taken apart at some time or another.... ;-)  

Reviewer: Candi Gomez Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/12/2008 6:30 PM Title: Chapter 1

LOL!!!! "Jason has always had an affinity for puppies. Heck, I’d be willing to bet that he’d risk his own life to save one."  Love it! And nice poke at Gatch and GoS!

This creeped me out more than "Watching Over You" and "Lost Visual Contact" combined. Perhaps because in those, Zark genuinely believed he was helping -with Susan and Rover's aid- while in this, Zark was actively and knowingly working against G-Force, knowing the consequences of his actions. Susan didn't have a clue, but Rover was actively working against Zark. Why'd Rover go to Jason? Who else'd might actually listen to him instead of giving him a rubber wrench and a pat on his chrome dome head?

Are you going to post the deleted scene as well? Or at least the link to the post at  ? That's a good read in itself!

Author's Response:

LOL, I just *had* to put the puppy reference in there when I had Jason working with Rover. Glad you enjoyed it!

I dunno about the 'deleted scene'... I never really liked it much. I tend to think of it more as 'background material' that  isn't necessarily meant to be part of the story. When I'm only using one character's POV I'll often have this kind of thing floating around in my notes. It helps me build the story and make it consistent, but it doesn't all necessarily have to be reveals, KWIM? But I'm glad you liked reading that bit.

In any case, you've posted the link for me right here. *evil grin*

Reviewer: cyscoe Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/09/2008 12:49 PM Title: Chapter 1

Interesting story featuring my (least) favorite character.  I like how this unfolded in stages and fills in the blanks in the series.  The POV switch in part 17 caught me off guard, but it works.  And this line, "Just protecting the best interest of Galaxy Security."  Priceless.

Thanks, as always, for sharing your work!

Reviewer: Diinzumo Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2007 9:14 PM Title: Chapter 1

Nice, thoughtfully done with excellent attention to detail. I especially liked the end scene, with Rover on Jason's lap and all the parts scattered around. I have three favorite stories about the "Tin Can," and this is one of them.

Author's Response:

Thanks! Although now I'm wondering what other 'favorite' stories you have.... could one of them be 'Someone to Watch Over Me'? ;-)

BTW, I haven't made my way through all of your fics yet (kids, work, and writing my own stuff seem to be taking a lot of time... go figure), but I've loved every one I've read! Keep posting!

Reviewer: Springie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2007 7:12 PM Title: Chapter 1

This is ridiculously funny! You had me cracking up throughout...esp. at the end! *wink*

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