The Goat's Tail Challenge by Dei
Summary: 'To make a goat's tail of it' : to get to the heart of a matter, to
cut a long story short. Ga proverb.

I'm not generally much for challenges but I thought that this one
might just be interesting.

Tell a complete story in no more than 1000 words, one with a
beginning, middle and end. One that goes somewhere. One that stands on
its own two (or four, or 100 rocket propelled legs) feet -- ie no
extracts of bigger works and no need for a person to refer to anything
else you may have written to 'get' it better.

Tell it about anything at all that's construable as Gatch related.

Tell it between September 15th and October 31st. Look forward to
seeing what happens.

Oh, and if you take up this challenge, you don't have space to waffle
about the colour of Joe's eyes. We can see they're blue.
Categories: Eagle Riders, Gatchaman, G-Force: GOS, Battle of the Planets
Characters: None
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Respond to the challenge!
Summary: In BotP canon, we hear quite a bit about Mark's father, but all we know about his mother is that her face was in shadow in that photograph Mark keeps on his nightstand. It's never explicitly stated that she's dead. Maybe she's just resting... or pining for the fjords.
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: Battle of the Planets: 2163
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Mark, Original Character
Genre: Vignette
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Death
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Tenuously Canon
Challenges: The Goat's Tail Challenge
Word count: 1000 - Read Count: 3124 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 09/15/2008 - Published: 09/15/2008
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Summary: This was in response to the Goat's Tail Challenge. The war is over and life goes on.
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Chief Anderson, Jason, Keyop, Mark, Princess, Tiny Harper
Genre: General
Story Warnings: None
Timeframe: Other
Universe: Canon
Challenges: The Goat's Tail Challenge
Word count: 584 - Read Count: 4529 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 09/15/2008 - Published: 09/15/2008
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- Nebula Adrift by Julieann - Rated: 13+ - - starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 2]
Table of Contents
Summary: Survival Recipe: Part skill, part luck. If stranded in space, hopefully the recipe will include a big dose of both!
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Original Character
Genre: Action/Adventure, Vignette
Story Warnings: Blood, Guts & Gore
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Mostly Canon
Challenges: The Goat's Tail Challenge
Word count: 982 - Read Count: 3568 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 09/18/2008 - Published: 09/18/2008
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- Pest Control by cathrl - Rated: 8+ - - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 8]
Table of Contents

 There's an extra passenger on the Phoenix...

Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: Cath's Battle AU
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure
Story Warnings: None
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Canon
Challenges: The Goat's Tail Challenge
Word count: 1015 - Read Count: 3621 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 09/19/2008 - Published: 09/19/2008
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- New Toys by Nephedra - Rated: 13+ - - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 5]
Table of Contents
Summary: Everyone likes to get presents. The team is no different. Set in the BOTP universe in a time before the team was on active duty. Written for the Goat's Tail Challenge.
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Chief Anderson, Jason, Keyop, Mark, Princess, Tiny Harper
Genre: Vignette
Story Warnings: None
Timeframe: Prequel
Universe: Tenuously Canon
Challenges: The Goat's Tail Challenge
Word count: 863 - Read Count: 2891 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 09/20/2008 - Published: 09/19/2008
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Summary: The pressures of war get to one BotP member.
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Keyop, Princess
Genre: Angst, Character Study
Story Warnings: Mild Violence
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Mostly Canon
Challenges: The Goat's Tail Challenge
Word count: 423 - Read Count: 3678 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 09/25/2008 - Published: 09/25/2008
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Summary: Some days you should just stay in bed!
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Goon, Mark, Original Character, Phoenix/God Phoenix, Princess
Genre: Action/Adventure, Character Study, Humor/Comedy, Vignette
Story Warnings: Mild Violence
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Mostly Canon
Challenges: The Goat's Tail Challenge
Word count: 981 - Read Count: 4163 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 10/02/2008 - Published: 10/02/2008
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