A Tourist's Guide to Brobdingnag by Grumpy Ghost Owl
[Reviews - 10] starstarstarstarstar - Printer
Summary: Princess finds herself in an unusually challenging situation.
Rated: 13+
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Characters: Chief Anderson, Jason, Keyop, Mark, Original Character, Other Canon Character, Phoenix/God Phoenix, Princess, Tiny Harper, Zoltar
Genre: Action/Adventure
Story Warnings: Violence
Timeframe: Sequel
Universe: Mostly Canon
Challenges: None
Series: Battle of the Planets: 2163
Chapters: 8 Completed: Yes
Word count: 18533 Read: 40348
Published: 02/27/2009 Updated: 03/07/2009
Story Notes:

Federation politics are fascinating. Canon drops all sorts of shadowy hints but remains deliciously vague about politics in the BotP Universe. This leaves things wide open for fanfic writers. Equally fascinating are questions of point of view. In this story, I challenged myself to write this exclusively from the point of view of female characters only.

"Brobdingnag" was a fictitious country described by the eighteenth century satirist Jonathon Swift in his book, Gulliver's Travels. It was a land where the occupants were giants, and the protagonist Gulliver, who had been as a giant in Lilliput, land of the little people, suddenly found that the shoe, so to speak, was on the other foot.

Many thanks to Catherine Rees-Lay (aka cathrl) for her patience in beta reading this story more than once.

1. Gulliver by Grumpy Ghost Owl [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar (1062 words)
Princess faces one of her fears. Mark can't say anything right.

2. Assault by Floristry by Grumpy Ghost Owl [Reviews - 0] (1658 words)

The First Lady says it with flowers.

3. Here be Dragons by Grumpy Ghost Owl [Reviews - 0] (3542 words)
Danger comes in many forms.

4. Achilles' Heel by Grumpy Ghost Owl [Reviews - 0] (1786 words)
The strain begins to show.

5. The Firedrake by Grumpy Ghost Owl [Reviews - 1] (3495 words)
Princess wakes up.

6. Nothing to Prove by Grumpy Ghost Owl [Reviews - 0] (2995 words)

If you are going through hell, keep going.

7. Extremity Dire by Grumpy Ghost Owl [Reviews - 0] (1395 words)
Things get worse before they get better.

8. Slaying the Dragon by Grumpy Ghost Owl [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (2600 words)
Damsel in distress? One thinks not.