A Whale of a Time by Grumpy Ghost Owl
[Reviews - 6] starstarstarstar - Printer
Summary: Written for the inaugural Jan/Feb 2008 Fic Challenge with the following prompt from jublke: "G-3 accidentally discovers a secret that G-5 has been hiding from the team. This secret of a personal nature and has the potential to be a breach of security. What does G-3 do?" (Author's note: I actually kind of hate this story as it was written in a rush and quite literally gave me a massive headache. I will probably take it down at a later date as it's just not up to standard, but it's here at the moment purely for the sake of the challenge.)
Rated: 8+
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Characters: 7-Zark-7/1-Rover-1/Susan, Chief Anderson, Jason, Keyop, Mark, Original Character, Other Canon Character, Phoenix/God Phoenix, Princess, Tiny Harper
Genre: General
Story Warnings: None
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Tenuously Canon
Challenges: 2008 January Idea Swap Fanfic Challenge
Challenges: 2008 January Idea Swap Fanfic Challenge
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 4419 Read: 4253
Published: 02/17/2008 Updated: 02/17/2008
Story Notes:
This is an original work of fan fiction. Gatchaman and Battle of the Planets are the property of Tatsunoko and Sandy Frank Productions. No profit, gain, hire or reward is received by the author for this work.

This story takes place some time after the events portrayed in the BotP episode A Whale Joins G-Force. Written for the inaugural BotP Fic Challenge of January/February 2008.

1. Chapter 1 by Grumpy Ghost Owl [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstar (4419 words)