Summary: A follow-up to Truth and Treachery: Jason is now a captive in a secret base on Spectra, but no one knows where he’s gone or why, or that the entire planet is in peril… For a challenge: turn an unused Gatchaman episode into a Battle of the Planets episode.
Rated: 8+
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Characters: 7-Zark-7/1-Rover-1/Susan,
Chief Anderson,
Great Spirit,
Tiny Harper,
Genre: DramaStory Warnings: Mild ViolenceTimeframe: Episode RewriteUniverse: Tenuously CanonChallenges: Making a BotP episode
Challenges: Making a BotP episode
Series: Making BOTP out of Gatch
Chapters: 8
Completed: Yes
Word count: 8365
Read: 40749
Published: 12/16/2010
Updated: 12/16/2010
Story Notes:
In the same manner that I turned Gatchaman episode 102 into a “Battle of the Planets” episode, Dreams of Deception, and Gatchaman episode 103 into a follow-up “Battle of the Planets” episode, Truth and Treachery, here is Gatchaman episode 104, also converted to a “Battle of the Planets” episode. It’s a follow-up to the first two and starts immediately where Truth and Treachery left off, making it "episode 87."
Again, there’s probably too much fighting and suffering in this for Battle of the Planets (though I did “edit out” a lot from the Gatch version), as well as too much plot weirdness (oh yes!) and episode continuity, but I’m not claiming this could really pass muster as a BOTP episode. As ever, I have a much greater appreciation for what the Battle of the Planets writers accomplished!
This is also very image-intensive, as I’ve added screen cap “illustrations.”
1. Chapter 1 by lborgia88 [Reviews - 1] (1193 words)
2. Chapter 2 by lborgia88 [Reviews - 0] (1363 words)
3. Chapter 3 by lborgia88 [Reviews - 0] (1184 words)
4. Chapter 4 by lborgia88 [Reviews - 0] (986 words)
5. Chapter 5 by lborgia88 [Reviews - 0] (1038 words)
6. Chapter 6 by lborgia88 [Reviews - 0] (838 words)
7. Chapter 7 by lborgia88 [Reviews - 0] (831 words)
8. Chapter 8 by lborgia88 [Reviews - 1] (932 words)