Date: 01/27/2014 4:02 AM Title: Chapter 1
This has a very "Family" feeling, managing to do this kind thing for the kids, then getting home, kicking back, and someone just has to poke someone else with a sharp stick. :) I have the feeling that this 2nd year of the war, Mark wanted the Chief to know his most fervent Christmas wish, and decided that his mother started a tradition. Whether he thought about those two wishes back to back or not is an interesting question. Wonder if part of him is angry at the Chief for making this his life.
Hope one day to see more of your AU. :)
Date: 12/28/2010 11:24 PM Title: Chapter 1
Thank you, I lOove your universe, waitiNng for more...
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and enjoying.
I want to begin posting a new story from my AU shortly, so watch for it.
Date: 04/09/2010 6:43 PM Title: Chapter 1
Yeah, it's a little early in the year for me to be reading Christmas fics, but I came across this one and just had to let you know how much I liked it.
Anderson's connection to all five kids is obvious and that last little bit with Mark's note is fantastic.
Just reading this story makes me want to see even more of this universe.
Author's Response: Thank you Garnet, I am glad you enjoyed it. I hope some day I finally finish another story so I can post it for everyone enjoyment.
Date: 03/25/2010 4:30 PM Title: Chapter 1
CD ... I admit that this is the first time that I've had the chance to read this fic of yours and I regret not having read it before! You managed to make tears fall down my cheeks! What an awesome fic you've written full of different emotions! You've managed to capture the right spirit of Christmas along with the sorrow that sometimes it could bring with it, especially during war. Great work!
Author's Response: Thank you Marie. It is nice to hear that I managed to touch others so deeply when I write. I know I had tears in my eyes as well at certain points while writing.
Date: 03/25/2010 9:07 AM Title: Chapter 1
Cloud, this is an incredibly powerful story. You start it lin a lighthearted way and then reach out and grab our emotions and just twist!
Your characterisations are great - and I love that this is all told from Anderson's POV.
So well done!
Author's Response: Thank you Maddy. I started writing this story from several POV and finally settled on Anderson's. I have been trying to focus on writing from other characters rather than just Mark's POV.
Date: 12/29/2008 5:55 PM Title: Chapter 1
I'm enjoying your universe. Please post more here...
Date: 12/22/2008 9:57 PM Title: Chapter 1
This truly is a wonderful story. It tugs on my emotions as I witness events through Chief Anderson's eyes. It's good to know that he's not as unfeeling as he sometimes comes across.
I hope we see more of your writing soon.
Date: 12/18/2008 9:54 PM Title: Chapter 1
Whoa! Amazing story! I will have to remember the L. Ingalls reference when my kids are older. You have captured the spirit of Christmas and the pain of war all in one. Very powerful at the end, especially.
Is there more to this story to come? :)
Author's Response:
Thank you. I often remember the Laura Ingalls reference at this time of year. Especially when someone in my class of 6 year olds begin questioning Santa.
I do not plan on more for this story but I could be convinced to post another story from my AU.
Date: 12/18/2008 8:40 PM Title: Chapter 1
This is a great holiday story. I like your series.