Date: 05/24/2013 5:53 PM Title: Chapter 1
Very powerful, Springie! He wouldn't be a hero if he didn't have to battle his gray days as well as his enemies.
Author's Response: Thanks, Daniella!
Date: 05/20/2013 7:01 PM Title: Chapter 1
Wow! That was absolutely the most powerful introspective of a character I've ever read. I very rarely comment,but I'm a huge fan of your stories and your artwork. I think this is the best thing you've ever written! Bravo! G1G3G1G3G1G3G1G3G1G3G1G3G1G3
Author's Response:'ve just made my day! Thanks so much for reading and commenting!! I have another idea that is similar to this...Ken's character just seems to be getting into my head lately...
Date: 05/20/2013 2:41 AM Title: Chapter 1
Love, love, love. Yeah, I've always imagined that Ken could be easily as moody as Joe, but he's usually preoccupied with mission planning, mission disection after the fact, training planning, etc so instead he tends to be off in space. :) It's why I have a hard time imagening a really fluffy happy post-war piece for him in the Gatch universe (and I so want him to have one *sniff*). He could probably get there at some point but it would take work.
Author's Response: Thanks, Chris! Yeah, although Ken and Joe have been described as two sides of the same coin, they really are a lot alike...
Date: 05/19/2013 1:34 PM Title: Chapter 1
That is dark, but I can understand where he's coming from.
Author's Response: Yes, all heroes have their dark days, don't they?
Date: 05/19/2013 9:34 AM Title: Chapter 1
A very emotional piece. A fantastic piece of writing.
I would say it was not just a grey day, but a grey life.
Author's Response: Thanks, CD! I agree... Definitely a gray life...I guess it was really hitting him hard on that particular day, so he wrote down what he was feeling. They usually present Joe as the " Dark Horse", but Ken is one, too, really...