Date: 04/28/2015 8:15 PM Title: Chapter 1
I would love to see you finish this story.
I enjoy all of your work; but as a substance abuse counselor I have a particular interest in this one.
you are spot on in your description of alcoholism and early recovery.
Author's Response: Thanks, WrenOne. I'm glad it reads authentically. I dove in really deep with this story - that scene with Mark on the floor of his kitchen was absolutely gut-wrenching to write. I am fortunate that I have not directly experienced alcoholism myself, but I am, unfortunately, very well versed in its effects. It was cathartic for me to write from the perspective of the alcoholic. I'd like to pick this story up again and add a few more chapters, but I told most of the tale that I wanted to tell. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing - it means a lot.
Date: 03/26/2015 6:21 PM Title: Chapter 18
A tough and touching story told brilliantly, it really shines in its uniqueness. I look forward to more when you're ready to share.
Author's Response: Thanks, Mona Lisa. I think of all of my fanfiction, this one has been the most gut-wrenching to write. I hope to get back to it sometime.
Date: 08/15/2013 5:10 PM Title: Chapter 18
I see that the Chief DID know/suspect about Mark's drinking. That was certainly one way to call Mark on it.
Knowing Mark is so on edge, in some ways I am surprised to see Mark did not take Anderson's ruse the wrong way and blow up at him. Their relationship must be strong enough though since Mark knows he can reach out to the Chief for support when the others are not available.
A loose end I would like to see cleaned up, and maybe this is one you know you need to deal with, is Mark's relationship with Princess. He admitted way back at the beginning that he loved her, but he is not willing to reach out to her for support. I know this time his excuse was Keyop, but I am sure if he really wanted to Mark could have found a way around it.
Author's Response: Yep, that's the big one I'm aware of too, CD. I've got to give some thought to how both of them see their relationship now, after so much has happened. Thanks again for reading & reviewing! :)
Date: 08/14/2013 2:46 PM Title: Chapter 17
This is a great chapter. I really like the intensity I feel during the battle.
I hope everyone is okay, and that the reason Mark did not get a response was because the others were too busy or communication was down for them to answer.
Author's Response:
Hi CD - Glad you liked it! Battle scenes are very hard for me to write, so I'm glad it rang true for you. I only have one more edited chapter left to post - and then I will have to wait for the muse to strike. I know of two threads that I would like to sew up - if there's anything you think the story needs to address before I finish it, please let me know. The only thread I am sure I won't fully wrap up here is the state of Jason's health - I have another fic in the works which will hopefully, finally, land him back on his feet. I think. ;)
Date: 08/13/2013 9:06 AM Title: Chapter 16
I love that Mark's friends are there to support him. But then that is to be expected.
I was surprised by Tiny's story/admission, but like that he has a connection to Mark's situation. So often Tiny is forgotten in storylines as they focus on the main three characters.
I hope Mark doesn't feel the need to push himself to hard, and perhaps relapse, now that he has realized that Jason re-injured himself because of all this.
Author's Response: I have to be honest here - I'm not sure of Mark's prognosis because I'm not done writing the story! :) I have a couple more chapters to put up, and then I'm going to have to sit back and think about which loose ends haven't been tied up and see if my muse gives me a nudge. Thanks for reading!
Date: 08/12/2013 10:37 PM Title: Chapter 15
It is nice to see Mark and Anderson finally starting to open up to each other. And that Mark is beginning to feel comfortable enough to relax.
Author's Response: I think Mark has kept a lot of emotion in check for years. Letting it out must have been terrifying, but gratifying as well. Hope you like the next chapter! I think I'll go post it now ...
Date: 08/12/2013 11:56 AM Title: Chapter 14
That was explosive! From all of them, but highly expected when tone keeps their emotions locked away. And now Mark has admitted his problem to Anderson, at least part of it. He still needs to admit to the drinking.
I thought this was why Jason was taking Mark to talk to Anderson. I am surprised Jason is letting Mark escape without telling. Or maybe he realizes the drinking will stop once the bigger problem has been solved.
Author's Response: I suspect that if Mark steps off of the straight and narrow now, Jason will go straight to Anderson. But Anderson might have other ways of finding out ...
Date: 08/11/2013 8:41 AM Title: Chapter 13
I love the way Jason is supporting Mark, even as he is making Mark see how much he is hurting himself and the others.
In my AU, I too find Jason is good at this emotionally strong supportive role for Mark.
Author's Response: At this point in my AU, I've put these two characters through a lot. I like to think that Jason would step up emotionally if Mark ever lost his footing. Glad you are still enjoying the story! I've still got a couple more chapters queued up, then I'm going to have to wait for the muse to strike me.
Date: 08/10/2013 7:21 PM Title: Chapter 12
Now someone else knows about the drinking hopefully they can help Mark .... or get some help for Mark.
And now I understand a little more what Mark is going through. After being under stress for so long, being the primary team, now that they have "down time" he can't handle it. It does make me wonder how the others are dealing with it though. But then perhaps Mark would have it worse since he was in command/control and now he isn't and it is slipping.
Author's Response: I think that Mark's world is shifting under him here -- his command role is changing at the same time his understanding of his parents is changing. Mark strikes me as someone who is strong under most all circumstances -- but his foundation has taken a serious hit here and I think he's reeling from the 1-2 blow.
Date: 08/09/2013 11:37 AM Title: Chapter 11
At least Jason seems to be there to help him. And I am glad Mark still has some sense to listen to Jason, instead of taking offence.
I am really enjoying this and would love it if you could keep this posting rate going. It is nice to be able to read a chapter a day and not have to review the previous chapters to remember the little intricacies of the story
Author's Response: Hi CD: I'm glad that you are enjoying this! It was emotionally wrenching to write parts of it and it's taken a while for me to look at it even close to objectively. It reads SO much better now that my fantastic beta team had a crack at it. :) I'm happy to report that I have a few more chapters beta'ed & in the queue, so I will try to keep adding them over the next week or so. I am going out of town tomorrow for a few days, though, so I may not be able to keep up this pace. And I should warn you, this story is still unfinished. :/
Date: 08/09/2013 9:30 AM Title: Chapter 10
Wow, Mark has really lost control hasn't he!
Author's Response: I think Mark is so in control most of the time that if he lost it, he would lose it in a big way. When I was working on this part, I asked my husband how he thought things might unfold (he's not a Gatch fan, but he's absorbed a lot over the years). He suspected that, under extreme stress, Mark would be the consummate professional at work, but would lose it in private. I agreed, and that's what prompted this scene. Thanks for reading! More to follow ...
Date: 08/08/2013 9:57 PM Title: Chapter 9
Is someone trying to break Mark's resolve? Or Anderson's?
Looking forward to reading the next chapter.
Author's Response: I think the expectations and emotional stresses put on our "five incredible young people" and their mentor must be phenomenal. I hope you enjoy the next chapter - it's a doozy!
Date: 08/08/2013 9:49 PM Title: Chapter 8
Poor Mark, that must be a very hard secret to keep. I am surprised no one else has a clue.
Author's Response: He won't be able to keep it for long ... Yes, things are going to get worse for Mark before they get better. Thanks for reading!
Date: 02/25/2013 3:26 PM Title: Chapter 7
Update soon!
Author's Response: Hi Shunhades - I'm working on it, but it's been slow going so far. Thanks for the encouragement. :)
Date: 12/06/2012 4:36 PM Title: Chapter 6
Great interaction between all the characters. I can see why Mark identifies with the rest of the team as far as not having a mother.
Author's Response: Thanks! It's interesting to see how the team reacts to me bending poor Mark into a pretzel ...
Date: 11/30/2012 1:03 AM Title: Chapter 1
With all the attention on Mark's father, it's very interesting to see a story about his mother! Looking forward to more!
Author's Response: Thanks, Daniella! It's been a fun and interesting challenge to write.
Date: 11/27/2012 5:53 PM Title: Chapter 1
Julie, I am really enjoying this story and am looking forward to reading more.
Poor Mark seems to have had a very hard childhood.
Author's Response: Thanks, Cloud! Yes, I think this is a facet to Mark's history that he would have rather kept buried. I'm curious myself to see how he pulls it all back together ...
Date: 11/27/2012 5:48 AM Title: Chapter 1
Really looking forward to seeing how this will play out. :) Poor Mark. He so needs a cuddle. I find myself trying to imagine Princess's shell-shocked description of meeting Mark's mother when she comes back, and Jason hauls her off to hear the details!
Author's Response: You know, Chris, I was giving that some thought. Since this is written in first person, I can't exactly insert that scene. I'm going to have to come up with another way of getting that across - although the gentle way that Jason is treating Mark at the funeral does speak volumes, doesn't it?
Date: 11/26/2012 7:32 PM Title: Chapter 6
Julie, I loved beta reading this and it resonates more every time I read it. I really feel for Mark and can't wait to see what comes next.
Author's Response: Thanks, Becky! I'm off to visit the same relatives, so maybe I'll be inspired to write more. ;-)