Date: 09/07/2013 10:12 PM Title: Chapter 1
Great story but you left us with a cliff-hanger ... I always enjoy stories that come up with an explanation for Jason's health problems. :)
Date: 12/18/2010 9:20 PM Title: Chapter 1
Another fantastic job. Mala is Jason's mother? That's frightening!
Author's Response: Thanks! Yes, I think she's far from anyone's idea of a good mother, but it was the image of young Joe seeing his dead parents at the beachside table in eps 31 and 78 that got me thinking that his mother, with her face not seen, could be BOTP's Mala... Things went from there.
Date: 09/12/2010 8:12 PM Title: Chapter 4
LB, I love what you are doing with these. And I love how you have Zark finish with that reassuring comment - nothing can go wrong in BOTP! ;)
Author's Response:
Thanks, it is fun trying to devise a different storyline for familiar footage. And, heh, I had to use Zark -I think nearly every BOTP episode begins and ends with him and when you start cutting out the most violent scenes and altering the storyline it soon becomes apparent how much his role was needed to fill up time or provide exposition, though I suppose I'm making him less all-knowing than he is in canon.
Date: 09/09/2010 8:53 PM Title: Chapter 4
Well, I don't think BotP would have touched the 'Jason as hybrid' with a ten-foot pole, but it's an interesting reinterpretation of the episodes.
(In Chapter 2, you accidentally used 'Katse'.)
Author's Response:
Yeah, I agree. They probably would have somehow made the episode a stand-alone one and gone with Jason finding out he was sick (or maybe even dying) -only to have Zark explain at the end that the doctor had made a mistake or that Zark himself had devised a miracle cure- but it was fun to try to think up something very different from the Gatch storyline.
Thanks, for spotting the "Katse"! Usually, it's Nambu/Anderson where I slip up.