General:**The Moderators:Keep in mind that people here want to be helpful ... that's really why they're here. But, they are volunteering their time because they are interested in these topics. They don't "owe" you (or anyone else) anything. So, approaching everyone with respect is the best way to get what you want from the experience.
**CritiquingGood critiques are a marvelous thing. As writers we love them. As readers, a good critique can take as long to write as it was to read the fanfic.
For Reviewers:
The Diplomatic Critiquer and
Critiquing the Wild Writer: It's Not What You Say, But How You Say It are marvelous resources on how to give a good critique and how to phrase it.
For Authors: Remember that when you ask for critiques and/or commentary on a fanfic that not all of it will be positive (that would be a rave). Critiques can be wonderful in helping to improve writing.
**No igniting flames!A flame is a blatant personal attack on another member rather than his/her idea or argument. Arguments and debates should be kept civil and respectful of the other person's feelings and opinions. Argue with verifiable facts from sources that can be shown to other forum members. Opinions should be clearly stated as such. If you find yourself deadlocked in an argument, then it's time to end the conversation. Don't beat a dead horse, as the saying goes.
Do not bring problems or flame wars from other message boards or webpages to this one, or personal issues from any other source. If you have a problem with someone, DO NOT bring it in here.
**Please don't feed the trolls!What is a troll (other than someone who seriously needs to get a life)? This is a user who posts insulting, rude and uncivilized messages on public forums. The goal of a troll is attention. They thrive on creating a stir and generating hostility and then watching the reactions of other users.
Please avoid replying to all such posts and thus feeing the trolls. Instead, please immediately report them so the Moderators can take care of the situation. (However, you should not report someone merely because they disagree with your point of view.) Don't discuss a troll in public. Don't announce that you are reporting a troll. Just do it quietly and anonymously.
**Get out the soap!Excessive or inappropriate use of profanity may be grounds for a warning or tempban.
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Posting to the Forum**Subject linesWhen creating a new topic, please give it an informative subject. Example: Instead of "Help me!", use "Need help with Zark Plot Point".
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Try to use proper english. If; for example, you can't write "you" in its entirety, then this may not be the place for you.
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We understand that it is faster to just copy and paste the URL of a certain website onto this forum, in which the forum will automatically convert it to a link. However, if the URL link is very long, it might distort the way the forum will display into something that is not desirable.
For long URL, please use the following bbcode format, instead of simply copying and pasting the link.
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Gatchfanfic**CopyrightIf you post materials from other fanfic, websites, books and/or newsgroups credit should be given whenever possible.
This document will be adjusted, added to, rephrased as needed.
Most of all, everyone have fun!