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Author Topic: Originial Writers sites.  (Read 8507 times)
Quanto-Tobor Rep
Posts: 53

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« on: May 21, 2008, 10:22:33 AM »

Hi everyone who's interested.

I've seen Katsesama and Junliann refer to original writers site.

Just out of curiosity could anyone recommend some good ones to go to. I'm asking because to google sites is a nightmare! I found the Gatchaman site through google first but there aren't that may of them. I'm always open to finding ways to write better, and just never know where you might find ideas on improving my style. So far I just develop my ideas from what comes my way, images I see in pictures etc,  and go with the story thats playing in my mind.

Thanks Ebony! Smile
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« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2008, 01:05:02 PM »

There are some great ones out there, including a few I would like to be apart of but don't have the time.

One I do like, because of all the helpful people there is "Forward Motion for Writers". Their description for themselves:   If you love writing, Forward Motion is the site for you. Forward Motion's core purpose is to help writers become professionally published.  To that end our classes, boards and scheduled chats are aimed at those who are looking for publication.  We welcome serious writing hobbyists  as well, but our purpose and goals are geared toward professional careers.    We do not allow fanfiction posts, and we don't promote self-publishing.

Even though it says no fanfiction posts, in the chat I've talked with quite a few who do write fanfiction. Smile I've been on the chat with them, especially during NaNoWriMo where we do "word wars" (which are rather fun) to help each other get our word counts, and we run ideas and writing passages by each other.  Friday and Sunday they hold "Think Tanks" in a special room of chat where each person is allowed one question, and the others brainstorm for 10 minutes to help them out. I've used it twice to help solve plot problems.

For critiques, I've used Critique Circle for critiques of original writing. The idea is that you do critiques yourself to earn 'credits'. Then, when you are ready to have something of your own critiqued, you cash in some of those credits to get it on the critique schedule (only so many are put up for active critiques per week). That way they encourage you to 'give' in order to 'get'. I haven't been on there since October, but it was always a nice place, and the forums are also active. They accept all genres of writing, and on the sci-fi story I submitted last year I received 6 really nice critiques that were very helpful.

Darn, I had one more, but the name eludes me.I think Cathrl is apart of it and it has a lot of writing resources and an active community. I'll see if I can find it when I get home tonight. Smile


Who needs a Gun when you have a Sonic Boomerang?
Quanto-Tobor Rep
Posts: 53

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« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2008, 11:28:19 PM »

Thanks Juliann,

I'll go and have a look at the sites you mentioned.
Quanto-Tobor Rep
Posts: 53

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« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2008, 02:22:41 AM »

I've just been looking at the sites, there is so much there to read on them, I think I'll take my time looking through them. (The only fanfic I do is Gatchaman anyway.) I'm into creating my own characters as well.

Every bit helps to improve on style etc. Cheers!
Cannon Fodder
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« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2008, 03:22:08 AM »

Of course I have to plug my own:  I've collected a lot of articles on writing & editing ( and on writing better romances and villains (  I wrote most of the articles for that last link, so you can get a peek inside my little writer's head if you dare to go there.  Shocked

I participate over at as well.  Their forums are incredibly useful, if rather overwhelming at first.  They include lots of "stickies" at the tops of different topics to help newbies.

I would actually be interested in which books other writers love best.  I rely on books more than websites, which is just because I started writing before the internet.   Reading  Maybe I will start another thread for that.
Quanto-Tobor Rep
Posts: 53

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« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2008, 09:42:38 PM »

Katsesama... I'm like that. The internet for me is still new, I'm still getting used to terms etc.(I usually start the computer up to write or go to a site or two...)

I didn't know there are so many generators out there. My stories generally come from life, and things I hear around me that happen, situations or something I see on the TV, hear on the radio...its endless.

I read a book called "Between the lines" that was helpful. most of the stuff in it I just seemed to know, and I didn't need it for that, things about creating characters and stories.(that area I don't seem to have to much trouble doing, the stories are just there all the time waiting to be told. )  I did pick up how to avoid a few things that I found myself doing in my style. It also help me be more confident there and just stick with it and develop it- rather than try to be someone else because I feel they do it better, so to be good I had to change everything about my style.

 I borrowed the books from the library.

« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2009, 11:02:33 AM »

Hello there, I am interested in news release most of my news and articles are related to camping tips in some other sites that is ready to accept news and article. But I am in struggle to collect such a list of news and press release sites. Any one has such a list of sites?
Posts: 155

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« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2009, 08:18:51 PM »

Hello there, I am interested in news release most of my news and articles are related to camping tips in some other sites that is ready to accept news and article. But I am in struggle to collect such a list of news and press release sites. Any one has such a list of sites?

D.Snink, your post makes no sense. What does camping tips have to do with the fandoms of Gatchaman/BotP/G-Force or Eagle Riders? Please keep it on topic, or I'll have to start deleting posts. Thank you for your understanding.


Who needs a Gun when you have a Sonic Boomerang?
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