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Discussion / Canon Discussion / Re: A Shock to the System
on: October 17, 2010, 02:03:21 AM
Oh many of those you've mentioned were OMG moments! I was always paying full attention to Mark/ Princess moments like "I've always liked you best" and "You're the prettiest girl in the Solar System" and "Rover can keep a secret...he's G-Force" and "Mark and I have private conversations"... But in of the moments that made my eyes bug out was when Jinpei climbs up to save Maria from the kidnappers...HOLY COW! Did I just see a naked girl in the shower?
Discussion / Canon Discussion / Re: Favorite Episode/s
on: August 12, 2010, 02:19:19 AM
Fierce Flowers (aka Jigokillers) is my all time favorite...(I'm a shipper) but I also love the Heavy Cobra Episode (Gatch ep #101) I forgot what it is called in BOTP...
Discussion / Canon Discussion / Re: How did you come to Gatchaman?
on: June 09, 2009, 11:45:20 PM
Hello, and welcome Airon Rain! You are in good company, because Joe seems to be the most popular member of the team! And I agree, Gatchaman is the best version to watch if you want the complete, unedited story! I began with Battle of the Planets, and Gatchaman has become my favorite!
Discussion / Fanart / Re: 2009 Comicon Art Show
on: November 01, 2008, 01:54:13 PM
I would love to try it out, just not sure I am capable of it. It makes me feel nervous to think about "selling" my pics. But I'd love to put some up there, even if it's just to add to the Gatch collection!
Discussion / Fanart / Re: Zero ratings
on: November 01, 2008, 01:51:45 PM
Thanks so much for the encouragement Reboekah and Bobkat! Your encouragement keeps me motivated! As soon as I can get some more time (RL work and classes getting in the way) I'll get back to it!
| / Announcements, Rules and Technical / Looking for the Mature Album
on: June 25, 2008, 01:38:31 AM
Hey Julieann-
I was going to upload a very naughty pic into the mature album...but while I was placing the picture...the mature album was not an option. I know it used to be in the list... just shows my regular albums, and then one-shots, and wallpapers...
Are mature pics still ok?
Discussion / Fanfic Discussion and Writing / Origin Fics
on: June 24, 2008, 01:49:46 AM
I've seen some really great origin fics out there...could anyone name some really good ones to read? I remember a really great one that was written about Jun and Jinpei joining the team...but I know that there may be some other theories out there... So I was wondering, have there been any challenges in the past about the origins of Jun, Jinpei, Ryu or any of the BOTP characters? If anyone interested in doing an origin challenge?
Discussion / Fanart / Re: Help - Ideas for Comic Con
on: June 21, 2008, 03:41:57 PM
Wendy, how does that work? Do you sell paintings at Comicon? Your stuff is so beautiful. This will be my first comicon, so I am clueless... Do you have to have some sort of license? Can anyone sell their fanart?
Discussion / Fanart / Re: Gatchaman Art Calendar Contest
on: June 06, 2008, 12:40:31 AM
Just a reminder for you wonderful artists to keep in mind the Gatchaman Calendar when you are drawing your pics...the next two months we are doing are June and...I'm not sure...March maybe? And please feel free to visit the Gatch club on Deviant Art ...