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December 06, 2024, 02:36:16 AM
New Forum Board: We have a new board specifically for discussing, announcing or showing off endeavors that are in other fandoms or your original work!

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1  Discussion / Original/Other Fandoms / The contest is over. on: July 06, 2015, 01:02:13 PM
The contest is over.    I didn't make the next round.  Didn't even make the top 50%.   Sad

Such is life.  I'll have to see if I bother to try again. Bang Head

Thanks to anyone who may have taken a couple of minutes to read the story.   Bow

((I tired to post this as a reply to my previous topic, but the site kept saying it had been less than 300 seconds since my last post, or I had already posted that message - but nothing ever showed up on my side.  -shrug-))
2  Discussion / Original/Other Fandoms / Shamless plug on: May 31, 2015, 01:21:13 AM
I have finally gotten up the nerve to enter one of my stories in contest.  It is an Urban Fantasy Cop story set in Northern Virginia called Night Hunts.  All original work, first done in the mid 90's while I was with an APA, recently updated and edited for the contest.

The contest is being run by Freeditorial.

If anyone wants to swing by and have a look (just ignore the synopsis, that messed up hash was their doing), comments are welcome.  Easier to catch me on my Yahoo address.  Wyldkat_ (don't forget the underscore) at

Kat  / Wyldkat
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