Title: Unable to Post Stories Post by: Grumpy Ghost Owl on December 09, 2015, 08:10:20 AM >:( So, finally after a long break, I get back into writing and decide to post a story. What happens? Apparently I am forbidden from doing so. The site still tells me I am a validated author, but I can't post a story. I get a 403 error and it tells me there's an additional 404 error as well.
Title: Re: Unable to Post Stories Post by: Grumpy Ghost Owl on December 10, 2015, 11:47:01 PM I've managed to post a story by attaching an html file (only took me about five tries or so) and now I am forbidden from editing it. :banghead: Do I need to start sacrificing chickens to the internet gods or something? (Unfortunately I don't have any giant blue ones.)
Title: Re: Unable to Post Stories Post by: Grumpy Ghost Owl on December 12, 2015, 05:30:00 AM And what's with the blue page of ads? All of a sudden when browsing through stories I get blue pages of ads with no way out. Just ad after ad after ad. :frustrated:
Title: Re: Unable to Post Stories Post by: Grumpy Ghost Owl on December 20, 2015, 12:27:04 AM In the hope of getting an answer from the site admins, I have now sacrificed a chicken.